lunedì 31 gennaio 2011

A post about nothing

Hello everybody!

I'm writing these few lines just because I feel like it. I think that's one of the reasons why a person has got a own blog, am I right?
So what? Nothing new, except from my new... camera!!! I've finally bought it and I'm very satisfied. If you're wondering how it is (not sure, but anyway...!), it's a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ8. I tried it during the weekend and I had a lot of fun, even if there still are so many things to learn about it. By the way, if you have some general tips or more specific suggestions about this model, please don't hesitate to leave a comment. Thank you!  :)

I want to share with you a picture I took Saturday night while I got home under the snow, since I like it very much :)

Change of topic: I'm sooo worried about my Travelling Journal! I haven't got any news of it since I sent it almost 3 weeks ago! I cannot believe it got lost during its first travel! And I paid 9 euros to send it!!!! SO SAD!

But fortunately my Postcrossing activity is going great. I've received two postcards from the United States today, one of the Grand Canyon and the other one from Vermont, showing a beautiful landscape. I'll scan some of my favourite postcards one day, to share them with you.

And lots of kind people from all over the World are also going to help me with my sand collection! I'll let you know wheter I receive something in the following days. Actually, I hope that everything will work, since nobody knows wheter it's legal or not to send small amounts of sand through the mail system. Any ideas?

Bed time!!! Goodnight World   :)

lunedì 24 gennaio 2011

Knitting passion!

Hello everybody!

Today I'd like to share with you some of my woolen works!
I know that lots of people think that knitting is a waste of time and an old-fashioned hobby for old and boring people, but this is not what I think!

My basket

In my opinion, knitting is a relaxing and playful way to create something original and unique in the shape and the colours you want: a quiet hobby that also produces something useful! Here are some pictures of my last works:

Short sleeves jacket

Scarves and gloves 

What I'm doing now and how it should be once it's finished!

I need your suggestions!!! I'm looking for other models of accessories: something cool and not to difficult to do. Please leave some comments! :)

Little King December and his new adventure!

Little King December is about to leave! (His story here)

His new destination is... Turkey!!! I hope it will travel safely :)

lunedì 17 gennaio 2011

Surprise Addresses Notebook!


Have you received my Surprise Addresses Notebook? Then you're in the right place!

Please, leave a comment under this post to let us know where the Notebook is right now.
Then leave another comment once you send it to another person.

Thank you and... Have Fun!!!

giovedì 13 gennaio 2011

I need music suggestions!

American friends and Country music fans,

I need your help!

Can you suggest me some good names of country music singers? I'm looking for recent, contemporary singers.
Here is one of my favourite songs, to let you understand what I mean.

Thank you! :)

Enjoy ;)

A sweet corner!

Hello Everybody :)

Today no lessons, which is great! Thta's way I'll take a few minutes to dedicate to you the recipe of one of my favourite desserts: the Panna Cotta (a sort of a creamy sugary pudding)! I just feel like sharing something sweet with you, and maybe let me know if you decide to try it!

What you need (for about 8 people... or less, if they are as greedy as I am!):

- half-litre of milk
- 600 grams of cream (not whipping cream)!
- a small glass of rhum
- 4 tablespoonful of sugar
- 12 grams of gelatin leaves (the transparent ones you have to put in cold water before you use them)
- a mould (the one you prefer)

What to do then?
Bring the milk to the boil together with the cream and the sugar. After a few seconds since it's boiling, take the pot away from the stove and put inside it the rhum and the gelatin leaves. (Be careful not to let the mixture  "stick" on the bottom of the pot!).

Prepare some caramel (it's easy! with sugar and a little bit of water which has to be burnt on the fire) and put it into the mould. Then put also the mixture of the pot into the mould.

Important: This dessert needs several hours to get cold (and solid!). That's why I suggest to prepare it  the previous day or at least in the morning if you want to eat it in the evening.

I hope you'll like it!!!
Back to my books now ;)

mercoledì 12 gennaio 2011

Accordo FIAT... non vi sembra un ricatto?

Guardando i Tg cerco sempre di non sconvolgermi troppo per tutte le brutte notizie che ci vengono propinate quotidianamente perché oggettivamente, tra omicidi, stragi, alluvioni, terremoti, tasse e inflazione, povertà, corruzione, mafia e politica catastrofica non c'è da stare allegri.
Però questa storia della FIAT la trovo veramente allucinante, sarà anche perché mi sento praticamente torinese e avevo un nonno che ha lavorato in FIAT per una vita intera. Purtroppo non mi intendo molto di questioni del genere, però una piccola idea personale me la sono fatta, e mi sento di paragonare tutta la faccenda ad un ricatto bello e buono, davanti agli occhi di tutti, dove a farne le spesa, come al solito, sono i poveri lavoratori, che in questi giorni si ritrovano a scegliere tra la loro dignità - ma in pratica la perdita certa del lavoro - o il tenersi il lavoro - ma vedendo i loro diritti calpestati e le loro mansioni rese ancora più pesanti -. Della serie: "o accetti e subisci passivamente le decisioni del padrone, oppure alzi la testa e il capo piglia tutto e se ne va". Ma è mai possibile? Perché tutto questo viene tollerato in un Paese considerato (probabilmente a torto) un Paese civile? Devo ammettere che sono rimasta scandalizzata. Com'è possibile che si stia sorvolando totalmente sugli accordi esistenti a livello nazionale? E soprattutto che le decisioni riguardanti la vita di uno stabilimento (di tale importanza, anche storica e culturale!) siano messe nelle mani di un solo individuo che può scegliere da un giorno all'altro di spostare la produzione dall'altra parte del mondo? A che diritto, con che titolo? Fingendo oltretutto di mettere la scelta nelle mani dei lavoratori, proponendo un democratico referendum.

Io non mi sento né un'ingenua né un'illusa ma certe cose mi lasciano davvero senza parole quando per tanti si tratta di avvenimenti del tutto normali e accettabili. Per favore, ditemi che non sono l'unica.


A whole day at the University is worth...

if once you get out, this is what you see!!!

Ready, steady... GO!!!

Our adventure has begun this morning!!!

The Travelling Journal is now on its way to TotosDown, The Netherlands! The postal employee told me that the journey will probably take more than a week, while she was sticking on my package loads of stamps with small Italian flags on them, celebrating 150 years from the Unification of Italy. (Nathalie, please, if you want take a picture of it once it reaches you, I'd like to share that funny "collage" with the other participants :D ).


I'll put a link to this post in the Postcrossing forum as well, so that it will be easier for you to reach it every time you need it.

For all the other matters I think we can use the thread already existing in the Postcrossing forum.


mercoledì 5 gennaio 2011

Adopt an animal!!!

Give a gift that will help protect the future of nature. Your symbolic adoption supports WWF's global efforts to protect wild animals and their habitats.

I've already adopted a tiger! Click here to learn more  :)
And let me know which species you'd like to adopt!

domenica 2 gennaio 2011

Some good music

Hello Everybody,

I write just to tell you that I won't be at home for a few days but I'll write as soon as I'm back on 5th or 6th Jan. I guess.

I want to say goodnight with two beautiful songs: the first one by one my favourite bands: the Pogues and the other one by an amazing Italian singer, Zucchero.


Travelling Journal Project UPDATES!

Hello bloggers!

Here is an update of the participants to the project with a possible plan for its travel:

1. Me :) - Italy
2. Nathalie (TotosDawn) - Holland
3. Jemma - UK
4. Karo (Some) - Finland
5. Victoria - Belarus
6. Ova - Ukraine
7. Lily (Carbohydrate) - China
8. Zoey04 - China
9. lifeinpast - China
10. jokkloo - Singapore
11. Muriel (Misao) - Chile
12. Anita - Brazil
13. Milania - U.S.A. (California)
14. Missleilanie - U.S.A. (Washington)
15. Troy (countrydirt) - U.S.A. (Colorado)
16. Emily (ejk14) - U.S.A. (Connecticut)
17. jlo91590 - U.S.A.

Anybody from other countries?? South America, Asia, Africa, Australia...?
I need you!!!

EDIT: we have a participant from Beijing, China!!! Thank you Lily!
EDIT II: a participant from Singapore!!!
EDIT III : new participants! Zoey04 from China and sevastopolka from Ukraine!
EDIT IV: our list is getting longer! Welcome, missleilanie (U.S.A.!)

23rd Feb 2011: The TJ is in Northampton, UK!
14th March 2011: The TJ is travelling to Finland!
8th April: The TJ is in Belarus!
10th June: Time to visit Ukraine!

* Working on the Journal! *

sabato 1 gennaio 2011

Tappa a casa...

Ciao a tutti!

Oggi post in italiano perché non ho nessuna voglia di spremermi troppo il cervello :)
Innanzitutto, Buon Anno Nuovo a tutti!!! Passato un bel Capodanno? Io sì. Ero sui monti, al Sestriere. Purtroppo la mia macchina fotografica ha pensato bene di abbandonarmi un paio di giorni fa, quindi mi sono dovuta accontentare del cellulare. Comunque ecco una foto scattata stamattina che ho piacere di condividere con voi: era una giornata veramente splendida!!!

Sestriere, Italy - 1st January 2011

Sono stati tre bei giorni, tra sciate e cavolate con gli amici. Poco prima della Mezzanotte di ieri siamo scesi in piazza tra bottiglie, petardi e fuochi artificiali. E il freddo non era neanche presente all'appello!
Tutto molto bello, anche se devo ammettere che probabilmente non avrei potuto resistere un giorno di più! E' risaputo che la convivenza in ambienti ristretti tra persone che normalmente non sono abituate a vivere insieme possa risultare ben presto pesante... e infatti la regola è stata riconfermata per l'ennesima volta da questa esperienza. La disorganizzazione e la poca voglia di darsi da fare per il buon vivere civile di persone venticinquenni riesce sempre a stupirmi. Ma non fa nulla, l'importante è essere riusciti in ogni caso a divertirsi e aver cominciato un nuovo anno insieme.
Stanotte tappa a casa, di nuovo nel mio letto, e poi si riparte, questa volta con la famiglia (e con i libri da studiare al seguito!!!).